There's been a lot of firsts around here lately...
First birthday - Gage turned ONE almost 2 weeks ago!!! I know, bad mommy for not blogging before now.
First steps - Yep, Gage took 2 steps to Stephen Sunday morning. Hasn't done it since.
First tooth - Tonight after dinner while cleaning the tacos and pears off Gage's face, I saw it...a tiny little white line on his bottom gums. So what's a mom to do? Stick my finger in his mouth, of course. Yep, it's a new tooth!
Nana came to town for Gage's birthday. Thanks to all the Werners (minus Siri and Brooke) and Aunt Melanie, Uncle Josh and Skylar for helping us celebrate Gage's special day. It's true, Skylar was there, but you'd never know it because we're pretty sure she didn't leave the playroom all night! Many thanks to little Miss Laura for entertaining Savannah for hours! Of course, I'm pretty sure Laura was ecstatic to have her very own real-life dress up doll and Savannah was the willing participant.
Along the lines of first birthdays, Gage also had his first taste of cake...twice. Take one occurred Sunday afternoon following his mini photo session. I'm pretty sure he was cold and tired and wanted nothing to do with my camera or his cake. Here's my little grump man.
So we put his cake in the fridge and vowed to try again the following Saturday. We had a rocky start.
I think he must have just been upset we didn't put his hat on him before starting.
Once we cut the cake into quarters, he went to town. Needless to say, all hopped up on sugar, he didn't nap the rest of the day.
Top it off with some milk (yay! no more formula!!!)...
Gage had his one-year appointment with Dr. B last week. With the doctor visit comes 4 shots :( Gage took 'em like a champ and slept for a good 2 hours afterwards.
Weight: 20 lbs, 5 oz. (25th percentile)
Height: 29 inches (25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 48 cm (95th percentile)
Our Third Teenager
1 year ago