Dear, God. Please reassure me that my daughter has not dropped the weekend nap for good. Amen.
It's good little sleeper did not nap this weekend (unless you count the 30 minute snooze in the car at 3:00 - after we tried for an hour and a half for a real nap at home - on the way to Barrett Parkway (Hell in and of itself) yesterday). I apologize for the super run-on sentence. Walton High educators (and Liz) are cringing right now.
While this weekend was a no go for a nap, Savannah did AWESOME with potty training. I'm ashamed to admit we haven't really actively potty trained. At day-care, they take her to the potty every hour and her daily report card pretty much tells us that she refuses to pee-pee or otherwise on the potty. However, on Friday, Miss Jill informed us that she went pee-pee on the potty every time and her pull-up stayed dry all day.
Let's back up to Wednesday night. Savannah opened her new dresser drawer only to discover Dora panties. I'm not certain she really understood what that meant, but hey, they were Dora, what else did she need to know? We decided to pull a pair on over her nighttime pull-up and then PJs over that. Little did we know until Thursday morning, that she had removed her PJ bottoms, the Dora panties and the pull-up and then pulled the Dora panties back on and her PJ bottoms on top. The cool thing...we only discovered this when Stephen took to her to the potty and alas there was no pull-up. She had stayed dry all night!!! Fast forward to Thursday night and we dressed her the same way and put her to bed. This night, however, I watched the video monitor (yes, I know, I need to cut the strings and be done with the video monitor at this point, but I'm Mom and I can do what I want so there!). And again, she pulled off everything and then attempted to redress herself on to fail miserably this time. So I went in to help. Since she successfully pee-peed on the potty before bedtime, I allowed her to sleep in only her Dora panties and PJs again...and again she stayed dry all night...woohoo!
So...seeing as Miss Jill told us on Friday that she was successful all day at the potty, we decided to give it a whirl this weekend. Savannah had only 1 accident at home on Saturday and the rest of the day told me every time she needed to go (and we were out and about all day Saturday). I did keep a pull-up on her as we ran errands, but she still told me she needed to go and went she did each time. The only time the pull-up came in handy was for #2 after her 30 minute car nap. So Saturday was a success! On to Sunday...again, she stayed dry all night, told me each time she needed to go and went successfully each time. My only drastic mistake...allowing her to nap in only the Dora panties. Let's just say those Dora panties did not survive and thank God for curbside trash pickup.
I won't take pictures of Savannah on the potty (you're welcome)...not only will I not take those pictures, I would never post them if I did. Although today, she discovered my 14-year old rooster slippers...thanks, Lee Cullum for these hideous things wherever you may be now. She insisted on wearing them...and even wore them on the potty. It was pretty hysterical to watch her walk in them...just think of a scuba diver walking in their fins. So here's a picture of Savannah in my rooster slippers...sans potty.
Our Third Teenager
1 year ago