I'm also having extreme feelings of blogger inadequacy since discovering a friend's blog, but more on that later because I think so many of you out there will be as fascinated as I am by it and today's post is supposed to be dedicated to sweet Savannah Kate.
Savannah's birthday weekend started with a family gathering (plus a few close friends) at my Aunt Brencie's house. Savannah's Great Aunt Brencie has been teaching swim lessons to children (infants and toddlers to pre-schoolers) for 35 years. She taught me, my sister, all her nieces and nephews (at least a dozen in all), her 2 granddaughters and now she is teaching Savannah, and several Savannah's friends both inside and outside the neighborhood. Check out pictures of Aunt Brencie, a.k.a Miss Brencie in action on the Dekel and Balzuweit blogs. I'm saving for another post to "show and tell" all about my Aunt Brencie. While her home and gardens are beautiful, Aunt Brencie is an amazing woman.
Here's Savannah savoring a slice of watermelon before the party begins. Her 2 favorite things...watermelon and Nana.
Here's Savannah with her BFF, watermelon...I mean Jenna!!! She absolutely ADORES Jenna and we absolutely adore her parents...so glad my magic spell worked and their home in Atlanta didn't sell so they couldn't move away to Tampa. Can you believe Jenna is more than a year older than Savannah???
Here's Jenna with her baby brother Cole. He's the sweetest little boy and the best baby I ever met (besides Savannah of course!).
This is our good friend Michael with his baby girl, Allison. Not sure how much you can tell from this picture, but Allison has the most beautiful eyes (click the picture to make it larger)...she's gorgeous! Mom must have been hiding from the camera. Happy belated 30th, Michael!
Savannah zipping down the make-shift slide. She and Jenna rode this ride over and over and over and over and over and...you get the idea.
And finally...one more for Nana. This is my sweetest little niece, Skylar...talk about big, beautiful eyes!!!
Part II of Savannah's birthday weekend is going to have to wait until tomorrow...yes, I'll TRY to do it tomorrow!
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